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GalliumOS has several mirrors so that people can access files and packages with great speed from all over the world. If you're interested in hosting a mirror for us, well, first, thanks! We appreciate the help.

Mirroring is done through rsync. There are two different repositories that you can mirror: apt and releases. The releases repository includes our release isos. The apt repository includes our Debian package repository (or apt repo) where various GalliumOS packages are downloaded from.

If you would like to mirror the releases repository, it would look something like this...

rsync -rtlvH --delete-after --delay-updates --safe-links rsync://galliumos.org/releases galliumos/releases/

If you would like to mirror the apt repository, it would look something like this...

rsync -rtlvH --delete-after --delay-updates --safe-links rsync://galliumos.org/apt galliumos/apt/

Once you've created and configure your mirror, you're free to add it to the Unofficial Mirrors list. If you run an unofficial mirror for a while, and we deem you trustworthy, we may approach you to upgrade your mirror to an Official Mirror.