Media keys and default keybindings

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GalliumOS includes five keyboard layouts customized for Chromebooks. They can be configured from the GalliumOS/Whisker Menu, in Settings >> Keyboard >> Layout >> Keyboard Model.

Media keys and Function keys can be accessed either with or without pressing the "Overlay" key first, depending on your choice of keyboard layout.

Keyboard Layouts

Layout Name Overlay Key Top row keys (alone) Top row keys (with Overlay)
Chromebook / No overlay / F keys mapped to media keys None Media keys Media keys
Chromebook / Right alt overlay Right-Alt Function keys Media keys
Chromebook / Right alt overlay / F keys mapped to media keys
** default for GalliumOS 1.0 and later **
Right-Alt Media keys Function keys
Chromebook / Search overlay
previous default (1.0beta1), and Crouton default
Super (Search) Function keys Media keys
Chromebook / Search overlay / F keys mapped to media key Super (Search) Media keys Function keys

These layouts are stored in /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/chromebook* . To modify the functionality of a key, one can make changes to the appropriate file (as root).
For instance, to remap the power key to Delete, add the following line in the appropriate file: key <POWR> {[ Delete ] };, and set the power button to "Do nothing" in the Power Manager menu.

Key Mappings

Key Combination
F1-F10 Accessed directly or with Overlay, depending on Keyboard layout
Also available with Overlay + number key (0 for F10)
F11 Overlay + -
F12 Overlay + +
Home Overlay + Left Arrow
End Overlay + Right Arrow
Page Up Overlay + Up Arrow
Page Down Overlay + Down Arrow
Insert Overlay + .
Delete Overlay + Backspace
Caps Lock Right-Alt as Overlay: Overlay + Right Shift
Super as Overlay: Overlay + Left Alt

Crouton keyboard layout:

Other discussion:

Keyboard Shortcuts

Key Combination
Screenshot (fullscreen) Ctrl + F5(display)
Screenshot (window) Ctrl + Shift + F5(display)
Whisker Menu/Search Right-Alt as Overlay: Super + M
Super as Overlay: Left-Alt + M
Keyboard Backlight Toggle Overlay + \ (not working!)
Keyboard Backlight Brightness Down Overlay + [
Keyboard Backlight Brightness Up Overlay + ]