From GalliumOS Wiki
Installing GalliumOS onto your Chromebook or Chromebox is usually simple and straightforward.
There are several options to consider first, and the installation process sometimes differs between models.
Preparing to Prepare
First, a few questions to consider:
- Is your Chromebook or Chromebox model supported by GalliumOS?
- Most models with Intel processors are supported. ARM processors are currently not supported.
- Your model's Processor Core Family and Hardware ID will determine your options and requirements, so make a note of this information.
- If you don't have a ChromeOS device and are looking for recommendations, please see our Buyer's_Guide.
- More info: Hardware_Compatibility
- Do you want to keep the ability to boot ChromeOS (dual-boot) or remove ChromeOS completely (single-boot)?
- Dual-boot is an option on almost all supported models.
- Some models will require a firmware update (RW_LEGACY) first.
- More info: Hardware_Compatibility and
- Do you need to (or want to) update your firmware?
- Updated firmware is available for most supported models, and is required for some.
- Even when not required, updated firmware can fix bugs in factory firmware.
- More info: Hardware_Compatibility and Firmware.
Next, let's get everything ready.
Some preparation steps are optional or only apply to certain installation choices, so be sure to read the descriptions carefully.
- Back up ChromeOS data
- Most ChromeOS data is stored in the cloud, but if you have any local data of concern, now is the time to back it up.
- Prepare ChromeOS Recovery Image
- (optional) If you ever wish to revert to ChromeOS-only, you'll need a Recovery Image.
- You can make a Recovery Image from any computer running Google's Chrome browser, so you may choose to skip this step.
- Enable Developer Mode
- Press
+F3 (refresh)
, thenCtrl
- After some housekeeping, machine will boot the white "OS verification is OFF" screen
- Press
to boot into ChromeOS
- Press
Now, we're ready to install GalliumOS.
Open the ChromeOS shell
- Boot into ChromeOS by pressing
from the white "OS verification is OFF" screen - Configure Wi-Fi if necessary, and log in to ChromeOS
- Open the ChromeOS Terminal by pressing
- Type
to get a command prompt
Update Firmware (if required)
- Run the firmware update script. See Firmware
- If dual-booting, be sure to select the
firmware option!
- If dual-booting, be sure to select the
- TODO note GBB flags
Install GalliumOS
Follow the single-boot instructions to install GalliumOS and remove ChromeOS completely. Otherwise, follow the dual-boot instructions.
(single-boot only)
- Insert your GalliumOS USB or SD boot media
- Reboot
- Follow the installer
(dual-boot only)
NOTE These instructions are outdated. See for current procedures.
- Run Chrx
curl -O && sh go
- See for installation options
- Updating your system
- New software updates will be available for your system periodically. You can check, and update, with:
- New software updates will be available for your system periodically. You can check, and update, with:
- Adding more software applications
- Any Linux software from the Ubuntu repositories can be installed from the command line:
sudo apt-get install PACKAGENAME
- Finding
can be tricky sometimes. A web search for (e.g.) "ubuntu screen capture" is a good start.
- See also: Additional_Software
- Any Linux software from the Ubuntu repositories can be installed from the command line: