Some frequently useful configuration options:
Move your /home to a flash drive
It is not recommended to mount your /home to an external USB Flash Drive or a SD Card because if you loose it you gonna be in trouble. However you can move your /home folders to a external place and free some storage.
Encrypt your flash drive
Flash drives are easy to loose. If you don't want anyone looking around your data, you should encrypt your flash drive. I will not detail this part, as data encryption are complex and you have better and complete information at https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Dm-crypt/Encrypting_an_entire_system
To encrypt the entire flash drive, do this:
$ sudo cryptsetup -v --cipher aes-xts-plain64 --key-size 512 --hash sha512 --use-random luksFormat /dev/sda
You should change /dev/sda for your device location. Be carefully, this may lead to data damage.
Generate an encryption key
Create udev rules
(WIP: pasting content from https://paste.ubuntu.com/24558174/, please improve!)
## /etc/udev/rules.d/10-usbdrive.rules KERNEL=="sd*", ATTRS{serial}=="0340918060002807", ATTRS{idVendor}=="090c", ATTRS{idProduct}=="1000" SYMLINK+="usb/samsung%n" ## /etc/fstab /dev/usb/samsung1 /media/usb1 ext4 defaults,discard,relatime,nofail 0 2 ## values for serial, idVendor, and idProduct are visible in dmesg output: ## run "dmesg -w" while inserting USB drive