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Intel processors with Bay Trail cores are very popular in newer ChromeOS devices.

Factory firmware support for coreboot and SeaBIOS is nonexistent, but custom firmware is available for most or all Bay Trail models from John Lewis:

There is only one firmware update option available:

    • Bypasses the white "OS verification is OFF" screen
    • Removes the ability to run ChromeOS natively, creating a small risk of bricking your device
    • Leaves the “REFRESH + POWER” functionality of the stock ROM intact
      • If you engage this key sequence, device will reboot and try to run ChromeOS Recovery (which will fail)
      • This process will repeat on every boot until you disassemble the device and briefly disconnect the battery

Model-Specific Notes

Dell Chromebook 11 (3120), 2015 (CANDY)

Comment 5 by, Nov 13, 2015

please give this file a try.  to use it:
- open crosh:         ctrl+alt+t
- get a shell:        shell
- switch to root:     sudo su -
- get a writable dir: cd /tmp
- read the bios:      flashrom -r bios.bin
- download seabios:   wget -O seabios.cbfs <url from this post>
- merge the two:      dd if=seabios.cbfs of=bios.bin seek=2 bs=2M conv=notrunc
- write to legacy:    flashrom -w bios.bin -i RW_LEGACY

then reboot and see if CTRL+L works now.  seems to for me on candy.